
You transport part of your own mind into someone else's mind, whether they're willing or not.

Spell Type: Psychic {Mind Affecting}

EXP Cost: 16

Casting Time: Standard

Target: Target within 16 squares

Goes Against: Will Defense

Description: On a successful attack roll against your target's Will Defense (this isn't needed if the target is willing) you transport a part of your mind into them. This allows you to speak through them, and on a successful attack against their Will Defense (using your highest mental stat) can control one of their actions.

If your physical body dies, the rest of your mind is transported to the part of your mind in the person's body, taking full control (on a successful attack roll to control, save that this is a permanent change). On a failed roll however your extra mind fizzles into nothingness and leaves the person's consciousness. This spell can only affect one person per caster since splitting the mind more than once would kill the caster.