

Mounted warriors, Cavaliers use tactics and skill to maneuver around the battlefield while maintaining their 'noble charm'.

HP & Defenses

Cavaliers possess a d10 Hit Die, and they start the game with 50 Hit Points (plus double Constitution and other modifiers). By spending 3 XP the Cavalier can gain a Hit Die, increasing their Hit Points accordingly.

They also receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Reflex Defense.

Stat Bonuses

Cavaliers receive a +1 bonus to one of the following attributes; Strength, Constitution, or Charisma.

Increasing these attributes outside of character creation is done at a discount (10 XP per increase instead of 20 XP)

Attack Bonus

Cavaliers receive a +2 Attack Bonus.

By spending 5 XP the Cavalier can increase their Attack Bonus by +2, to a maximum of +12.

Skill Points

Cavaliers receive 1 rank in the following skills at character creation;

  • Awareness

  • Drive

  • Endurance

  • Handle Animal

  • Knowledge (History, Nobility, and Tactics)

  • Persuasion

  • Ride

Combat Mount

Cavaliers first choose which type of mount they'll receive - an animal or a vehicle. After which they build accordingly to their individual stat blocks.

Both animals and vehicles possess Hit Points equal to half of the Cavalier's as well as sharing their Attack Bonus with the Cavalier, and if the animal is slain or vehicle destroyed the Cavalier must wait a day until they're able to recreate them utilizing the same stats they had prior to being slain/destroyed.


Animals receive a 4, 3, and 1 to be put into their physical attributes. Their Intelligence is -1, Wisdom is 1, and Charisma is 0. They have a movement speed of 8 squares and are one size category larger than the Cavalier. Its creature type is Animal, and it receives one natural attack of their choice (typically a bite or claws) which deals damage appropriate to their size.


Vehicles receive a 4, 3, and 1 which can be put into their physical attributes. Their Intelligence is 2, Wisdom is 0, and Charisma is -4. They have a movement speed of 12 squares and are one size category larger than the Cavalier. Its creature type is Construct and thus receives the benefits of being a Construct, and it receives a single slam natural attack for its size.

Spirited Charge

Cavaliers charge head first into combat, throwing caution to the wind. When charging they add their Charisma modifier as a bonus to attack and damage rolls.