
Various drugs are used for various purposes, however most boost a character's ability scores temporarily.

Price: Varies (see below) | Uses: 1 | Weight: N/A

Description: Each drug grants a different effect, however there are two rules which always apply to drugs unless otherwise stated: taking more than one dosage during a day runs the risk of a character getting addicted, and taking more doses than your Constitution + 1 (minimum 1) could lead to your character overdosing.

Addiction: Characters who are addicted feel the need to take their favored drug(s). A character can have multiple addictions at one time, making it possible for a character to be addicted to so many drugs that they can't feed their bad habit without potentially killing themselves. A character becomes addicted if a successful attack against their Fortitude Defense is made (this attack starts at +6, and increases by 2 for additional dose).

An addicted character who hasn't taken the drug(s) they're addicted to the day before receive an attack against their Will Defense (attack of +3, this increases by +1 for every day after the first). On a successful attack against their Will Defense, the character receives a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls. This penalty stacks the longer they go without the drug, and if you are addicted to multiple drugs and not taking them. Taking the drug instantly rids the character of these penalties. To be rid of these penalties naturally, the character must go a full month in-game time without taking the drug. This full month must be reached for every drug the character is addicted to.

Overdosing: Overdosing is a very real possibility, especially for characters who have a drug forcibly injected into them, or they take a drug too many times in order to gain the benefits multiple times. If a character takes more doses of a drug than their Constitution + 1 (minimum of 1) an attack is made against their Fortitude Defense (attack of +5, this bonus increases by +1 for each additional dose taken beyond the first). A character who has overdosed falls into a coma for a number of days depending on the chart below. If the attack roll bypasses their Fortitude Defense by 10 or more, this kills the character.

Muscle Buffer: The character gains a +2 to Strength for 4 rounds. This costs 400 G.

The Quickening: The character gains a +2 to Dexterity for 4 rounds. This costs 400 G.

Tough-Up: The character gains a +2 to Constitution for 4 rounds. This costs 400 G.

Learner Injector: The character gains a +2 to Intelligence for 4 rounds. This costs 400 G.

Mind Calmer: The character gains a +2 to Wisdom for 4 rounds. This costs 400 G.

Socialite: The character gains a +2 to Charisma for 4 rounds. This costs 400 G.