Goods and Services

  • Adventuring Gear: This page includes all sorts of hunting, camping, fishing, and survival gear as well as light sources like torches and lanterns.

    • Animals & Animal Gear: This page includes all manner of live animals used as pets, mounts or attack animals.

  • Books, Paper, & Writing Supplies: This page includes all sorts of inks, quills, books, papers, parchments and various items related to writing.

  • Clothing & Containers: This page includes all sorts of articles of clothing as well as bags, boxes and other containers (including magic containers).

  • Furniture, Trade Goods & Vehicles: This page includes items to decorate a keep with including statues, tapestries, tables, chairs, and other similar items.

  • Hirelings, Servants & Services: This page includes all types of hirelings, servants and services like spellcasting or messenger service.

  • Locks, Keys, Tools & Kits: This page includes all sorts of items used to bind prisoners, or to open locks (like keys) as well as all sorts of miscellaneous tools and tool kits.

  • Religious Items, Toys & Games: This page includes all sorts of things like channel foci, altars, clerical items, as well as entertainment items like decks of cards, puzzles, and other games.

  • Technological Gear: This catchall category includes a wide range of devices, from relatively minor gizmos like zipsticks to technological wonders like clonepods.