Droideka Series Destroyer Droid

Dangerous droids designed to roll at high speeds before deploying, unleashing a shield along with a barrage of laser fire.

Droideka Series Destroyer Droid

Intensity: 0.9 (Standard Human)

True Neutral; Large; Construct (Droid)


Fortitude Defense: 17 ; Reflex Defense: 18 ; Will Defense: 12

HP: 130 (50 + 6 (Inte) + 4d10 + 24 + 30 (Size) ) ; Damage Threshold: 22 (17 + 5 (Size) )

DR: DR 5/Steel


Speed 2 sq. (walking speed), 10 sq. (rolling speed) - switching between the two is a full-round action

Ranged 2 Laser Cannons* +7/+7 (4d4+2, 19-20/x3 critical)

Space 2x2 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 3, Dex 2, Inte 3, Int -1, Wis 2, Cha -2

Attack Bonus +8 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Rifle), Armor Proficiency (Light), Dual Weapon Mastery II, Rapid Shot, Gunslinging

Skills Awareness +13

Language English, Binary

Special Bronzium Armor, Shield Generator

* Laser Cannons use the range, critical, magazine, and special statistics of a Laser Rifle.

Bronzium Armor (Ex)

Droideka Series Destroyer Droids are counted as wearing light 'Bronzium Armor' that grants them a +5 bonus to Reflex Defense.

Shield Generator (Ex)

Droidekas have a powerful shield they employ to help them stave off damage. This shield lasts for 3 rounds, and grants the Droideka a +10 shield bonus to their Reflex Defense. If an attack goes through their Reflex Defense while the shield is active, the shield has been 'shattered' and cannot be activated again for another 3 rounds.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, or bombardment (3d6+2)

Universe any

Treasure none