Name/Title: YHVH (God the Father, Aba, or Adonai)

Alignment: Holy Order

Portfolio: Hope, Purification, Healing

Holy Symbol: Cross or Crucified Jesus

Favored Animal: Dove

Favored Color: Gold & Silver

Favored Weapon: Longsword

Emissaries: YHVH has many emissaries, however His most often used emissaries are Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to people as a dove while Jesus comes in his human form (though still bearing the stigmata and wounds from his Crucifixion). YHVH doesn't directly speak to mortals as doing so may kill them, often using angels in His stead.

Personality: YHVH's personality is hard to interpret due to not interacting with mortals directly, however He is often seen as a benevolent deity who loves those who worship him.

Code of Conduct: Priests of YHVH are not allowed to speak His name in vain, murder, steal, or commit adultery. In addition to this, Priests of YHVH must not speak His true name, and must resort to alternatives (such as Adonai).

Uniform: This consists of a clergy shirt and clerical collar, a kippah, or a set of rosary beads.

Note on Name: YHVH may be His name, however characters wishing to say such a name find themselves only emitting a ghostly whisper upon trying. The only language which can perfectly speak the grace needed to say His name is Celestial, and even so it is one of the most difficult words of Celestial. Thus, mortals tend to call YHVH by other names most of which relating to fatherhood or Lordship.

One appearance of YHVH.

Image from Shin Megami Tensei