Half Goblin

The less-than-fortunate descendants of Goblins, these poor half breeds are stuck between humanoids viewing them as only half of their own kind and other Goblins only seeing them as half as cool as a real Goblin.

Physical Description: Half Goblins show signs of both of their parent's species, though they often have green skin still and the bright red or yellow eyes similar to other Goblins. Despite all of this, they aren't as short as a Goblin, standing at around Dwarf height.

Most Common Alignment: Half Goblins tend to pick extremes, becoming either Holy Order or Unholy Disorder. This is one of their attempts at quelling the conflict inside of them - to either fight their bloodlust or give in.

Most Common Class: Half Goblins can become Soldiers, Rogues, or even Priests. Half Goblin Technomancers are also common.

Most Common Deity: Half Goblins tend to worship chief Goblin deities such as Ragnar the Goblin's Hero King, or Coolington their flamboyant deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 8 squares

Advantageous Strike: If an enemy is flat-footed, Half Goblins deal an additional +1d6 points of damage.

Unintelligible Bellow: Once per encounter the Half Goblin can unleash a 3 square cone of screeches, snarls, and memes. This is an attack against those in the cone (using the Half-Goblin's Intelligence instead of Strength or Dexterity). Those who are successfully hit are confused for 1d4 rounds. This doesn't affect other Goblins or Half Goblins.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Goblin

(This image is by theviljackass)