Ship Devourer

Large whales that float in space, and attempt to devour any starships or space debris which they can find. More often than not, they ignore people.

Ship Devourer

Intensity: 2.7 (Supernatural Being)

True Neutral; Gargantuan; Aberration (Star-Beast)


Fortitude Defense: 40 ; Reflex Defense: 10 (+10 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 8

HP: 305 (50 + 60 (Con) + 3d10 + 180) ; Damage Threshold: 60 (40 + 20 (Size) )

DR: DR 10/-


Speed 6 sq. (starship scale)

Melee Bite +23 (3d6+20)

Space 4x4 sq. ; Reach 4 sq.


STR 20, Dex -5, Con 30, Int -6, Wis -6, Cha 0

Attack Bonus +8 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats None

Skills None

Language None

Special Ship Devourer

Ship Devourer (Ex)

Against starships, a ship devourer's natural attacks deal x2 damage and bypass a starship's DR.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment outer space

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (1d4+2)

Universe any

Treasure none