
Feats are what characters receive which give them various abilities or powers. Some can be as simple as being proficient with armor or a weapon, to being as complex as one's ability to cast spells.

There are multiple types of feats, and feats will be listed with different tags to determine what category they fall under. These tags go as follows: General, Combat, Style, Species, and Magic.

    • General: Feats that aren't specifically tied to combat, a character's species, or magic.

    • Combat: Feats that affect combat. These can function as bonuses to attack, damage, and/or defense while in an encounter.

    • Style: Feats that represent a style of combat. Only one style feat can be applied during your turn unless specifically stated.

    • Species: Feats that are specifically tied to a character's species.

    • Magic: Feats that alter spells or other magical effects. Only one magic feat can be applied during your turn unless specifically stated.

Gaining a new feat costs 2 EXP unless otherwise stated.

General Feats

Armor Proficiency

You are skilled at wearing a specific type of armor.

Benefit(s): When wearing a specific type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) you do not take the armor check penalty to attack. If a character who isn't proficient with shields uses this feat to become proficient in a different armor type, they automatically gain shield proficiency.

Normal: Armor imposes an armor check penalty to both attack, and skills that rely on physical stats (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution).

Bite the Bullet

Through sheer willpower you overcome immense pain.

Benefit(s): You may use your Will Defense in place of Fortitude Defense for your Damage Threshold.

Combat Feats

Acrobatic Feint

You leap out of the way of dangerous attacks when they might hit you.

Prerequisite(s): Skill Focus (Acrobatics) and Dodge

Benefit(s): Once per encounter if an attack roll misses you, you can take a step action as an immediate action. You cannot use another step action until next round.

All at Once

You have trained for this day, and you'll take everyone out with you.

Benefit(s): When you're killed, all grenades and explosives on your person detonate. Alternatively, you can choose to do this the instance you fall unconscious.

Anchoring Arrow

Your arrows cause people to move slower due to the pain coursing through their veins.

Prerequisite(s): Weapon Specialization (Bows)

Benefit(s): If you successfully deal damage with an attack with a bow-type weapon, the target struck by the attack also has an attack made against their Fortitude Defense (using the attack of the bow) and on a successful hit they are unable to move more than half their speed in a single round for 5 rounds, and moving (even taking a step action) provokes attacks of opportunity. This can be used once per encounter.

Armed to the Teeth

You can fight with two weapons, a one handed ranged weapon and a melee weapon.

Prerequisite(s): Dual Weapon Mastery II, Weapon Focus (Ranged Weapon) or Weapon Focus (Melee Weapon)

Benefit(s): While wielding a one-handed ranged weapon and a light or one-handed melee weapon you total damage before factoring in DR. In addition you do not provoke while reloading your firearm.

Autofire Assault

You fire a blast of bullets in a wide range.

Prerequisite(s): Weapon Focus (Firearm)

Benefit(s): When using a firearm set to Auto, instead of making 2 attacks you can attack all enemies within a 6 square cone. The damage is not reduced despite being on the automatic, however on a missed attack it deals half damage to those in the cone.

Autofire Proficiency

You are more proficient with using the autofire setting on your weapon.

Benefit(s): When using a weapon in autofire you can do one of two things:

  • Make three attacks, each at a -4 penalty instead of the two attacks at a -2 penalty.

  • Make the standard two attacks from autofire, taking no penalty when doing so.

Axe Kick

You are able to deliver a single punishing kick.

Prerequisite(s): Martial Arts II, Strength 3 or Dexterity 3

Benefit(s): As part of a full-round attack, you bonus unarmed attack at your highest to-hit. This unarmed strike is counted as if it were being two-handed for the purposes of damage. The rest of the attacks made don't benefit from being 'two-handed', but instead receive +2 damage.

Bar-Room Fighter

You are able to pick up any object and use it as if it were an effective weapon.

Benefit(s): You take no penalties when using improvised weapons.

Style Feats

Species Feats

Blocking Shadow

Your shadow is able to help guard you.

Prerequisite(s): Fetchling

Benefit(s): You can use your shadow as if it were a buckler. You are always considered to be equipped with this buckler, even when you're wielding a two-handed weapon or wielding two weapons at once.

Magic Feats