
Bear men driven by honor and glory, they pride themselves on their warrior heart. Sustinere means to bear arms in Latin, as in to "bear arms". This name was chosen over Usrine due to their culture calling their children "Ursus".

Physical Description: Sustinere have furs of red, brown, black, or white commonly. Males often have shorter due to all of their scars from battle while women typically shorten and groom their hair.

Most Common Alignment: Honorable yet valiant, Sustinere seek to uphold a code of honor. Due to this, their spirits tend to be strong. They are often Orderly Neutral.

Most Common Class: Sustinere make excellent Soldiers, though some become Priests and go down the Crusader route to enact their justice.

Most Common Deity: Sustinere often worship deities of war, honor, and valiance.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Wisdom

Size: Large

Speed: 4 squares

Overwhelming Resilience: Sustinere receive an additional +5 HP, and +2 HP per Hit Dice they possess.

Hardy Body: Sustinere receive a +5 bonus on Endurance checks, and a +4 bonus to Fortitude Defense against poisons, diseases, and effects similar to sickened.

Languages: Native Language and Sylvan

(Image by Jerad S Marantz)