
Spirits of the dead which stick around due to a tragic death, some are filled with hate while others try to accomplish a goal before passing on.


Intensity: 1.2 (Powerful Human)

True Neutral; Medium; Undead (Incorporeal)


Fortitude Defense: 19 (+4 Spiritual Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 17 (+5 Deflection) ; Will Defense: 18 (+4 Mental Resistance)

HP: 102 (40 + 10 (Spi) + 4d8 + 40) ; Damage Threshold: 19

Misc: Immune to non-magical physical damage


Speed 6 sq. (Fly)

Melee Corrupting Touch +10 (4d6+5)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR -5, Dex 2, Spi 5, Int 0, Wis 0, Cha 5

Attack Bonus +5 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats None

Skills Persuasion +10

Language Necril

Special Corrupting Touch, Incorporeal Touch

Corrupting Touch (Su)

A ghost's touch deals the damage listed in corruption damage as opposed to any physical form of damage. In addition to dealing damage, a second attack is made against the character's Will Defense. On a successful hit the character suffers from insanity for 1d4+1 rounds.

Incorporeal Touch (Su)

Ghosts rely on Charisma for to-hit and damage with their natural attacks.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary

Universe any

Treasure Ghost Dust (1d4)

Ghost Dust: A special ectoplasmic dust which ghosts leave behind upon being defeated. This dust is a commodity which can be sold for 250 G