
Trees with psychic potential. Rather than moving, they prefer to telepathically pick people up and hurl them.


Intensity: 1.2 (Powerful Human)

True Neutral; Huge; Plant (Trees)


Fortitude Defense: 19 ; Reflex Defense: 0 ; Will Defense: 13

HP: 120 (40 + 10 (Con) + 5d8 + 50) ; Damage Threshold: 29 (19 + 10 (Size) )


Speed 0 sq. (Immobile)

Melee N/A

Space 3x3 sq. ; Reach 0 sq. (Cannot physically move)


STR 5, Dex -8, Con 5, Int -, Wis 3, Cha 0

Attack Bonus +6 ; Casting Stat: Wisdom ; MP: 16

Feats Spellcasting (Psychic)

Skills None

Language None

Special Telekinetic Shove

Telekinetic Shove (Sp)

By spending 2 MP, the Psi-Tree can telekinetically push any enemy within 6 squares of them. This is a spell attack (+9) vs. their Reflex Defense, and on a success they are pushed back by 1 square per point the attack bypasses the target's Reflex Defense (ex: an attack result of 19 vs. a Reflex Defense of 15 pushes a target back 4 squares).


Psychic Move Object, Overload Mind (Mk. IV), Telekinetic Target (Mk. II)

Miscellaneous Information

Environment forests

Organization solitary, pair, or grove (3d6+6)

Universe any

Treasure none