
A fallen angel who became a demon, and followed Beelzebub. Abezethibou later drowned in the Red Sea, being trapped in a pillar of water. He has a single red wing.


Intensity: 5.0 (Standard Outsider)

Unholy Order; Medium; Outsider (Angel, Demon, Unholy)


Fortitude Defense: 28 (+2 Armor, +4 Rank) ; Reflex Defense: 36 (+8 Armor, +4 Rank) ; Will Defense: 34 (+4 Rank)

HP: 665 (50 + 24 (Con) + 19d10 + 456 + 8d10 ) ; Damage Threshold: 28

DR: 10/Holy and Magic; SR: 28 ; Misc: Immune to Unholy, Cold, and Poison. Weakness to Holy and Fire.


Speed 6 sq., 8 sq. (Fly)

Melee +4 Abezethibou's Bronze Khopesh +37/+32/+27 (2d8+22 (two-handing: +31) | 17-20/x2)

Space 1x1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 18, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 5, Wis 18, Cha 6

Attack Bonus +12 ; Casting Stat: Wisdom ; MP: 22

Feats Spellcasting (Divine), Weapon Proficiency (Swords), Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Shield), Combat Mastery, Double Attack, Triple Attack, Weapon Focus (Khopesh), Imroved Critical (Khopesh)

Skills Awareness +25, Deception +16, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Persuasion +19 (+21 with Khopesh), Spellcraft +15, Use Magic Device +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Deception and Persuasion

Language Egyptian, Sumerian, Demon Speech, Celestial

Special His Messenger, Encased In Water

His Messenger (Sp)

Once per day make an attack against a target's Will Defense (the attack is made as if it were a spell). On a successful hit, the target obeys a single order from you without fail.

Encased In Water (Ex)

If Abezethibou is reduced to half HP (218) or less he will encase himself in a pillar of water as an immediate action. While within the pillar he is helpless, however the pillar must first be broken through before anyone can harm him. The pillar has a Reflex Defense of 25, 200 HP, and Immunity to Cold. While inside the pillar, Abezethibou recovers 10 HP per round.


Divine Hellish Power, Final Breath, Deity's Boon

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary

Universe any

Treasure +4 Abezethibou's Bronze Khopesh, +4 Abezethibou's Platinum Breastplate

Abezethibou's Bronze Khopesh: A khopesh made of bronze and enchanted with devil's magic. Despite bronze's normal penalties, this special Khopesh doesn't suffer these while in Abezethibou's hands. While in Abezethibou's hands, it also gains +1 die to damage due to Rank.

Abezethibou's Platinum Breastplate: A breastplate made from platinum, this breastplate originating from heaven itself. This set of armor, when worn by a mortal, grants them immunity to unholy damage. Abezethibou is able to ignore his armor's Maximum Dexterity and Armor Penalty.