
Varied in nature and able to fill in whatever roll they see fit to take up, humans make up the majority of popular worlds as well as the majority of adventurers.

Physical Description: Humans have a range of skin colors, eye colors, and hair colors. The most common hair colors are: Brown, Blonde, Black, and Red. The most common eye colors are: Blue, Green, Brown, and variants of these colors.

Most Common Alignment: Humans fit into any alignment category. Depending on the deity that the human worships or the society they're a part of may alter their alignment, or steer it in a direction fitting closely to the deity or society.

Most Common Class: Due to their ability to fit into any role relatively well, humans of almost every class imaginable can be found. The one exception may be species-related classes.

Most Common Deity: There are many different deities that align with the core beliefs humans may hold. Society and place of origin may affect ones choices for a deity, but not always.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to two different stats (cannot be used on the same stat)

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Bonus Feat: Humans receive a bonus feat of their choice.

Rounded Defenses: Humans receive +1 racial bonus to Fortitude Defense, Reflex Defense, and Will Defense.

Languages: Native Language

(Image from the Call of Gods MMO)

Image from the Call of Gods MMO.