
Known for their great strength and war-like traditions, Trandoshans tend to take up martial training and become bounty hunters or assassins. They have a longstanding enmity with the Wookiees.

Physical Description: Trandoshans tend to be taller than humans, have green reptilian skin, and blood red eyes. They also have the ability to regrow their limbs which tends to leave the growing limbs smaller than that of the body.

Most Common Alignment: Violent, brutal, and driven, Trandoshans compete often and take great pleasure in it. Some can and will show compassion and mercy but only when the situation warrants it.

Most Common Class: Lists of classes correspond with the species' ability scores.

Most Common Deity: If the species worships a deity, which deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Thick Hide: Trandoshans receive a +2 natural armor bonus to Reflex Defense.

Limb Regeneration: A Trandoshan can regrow a lost limb after 1d10 days, after which the penalties for losing a limb are removed.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Dosh