
eName/Title: Shinda, the Blessed Light

Alignment: Holy Order

Portfolio: Life, Angels, Paladins

Holy Symbol: A silver and radiant greatsword with a golden sun behind it

Favored Animal: Lamb

Favored Color: White

Favored Weapon: Lance

Emissaries: Shinda has two forms she comes down to her followers in. The first form is a spectral lamb with a coat as white as snow and bright pink eyes which reflect off of light. Her other form is as a human woman with incredibly fair skin, black hair that contrasts with her light skin, and silver eyes.

Personality: Seeking to better the world as a whole, Shinda is a very kindhearted and benevolent deity. Her benevolence stretches out to evildoers and those who would seek to oppose her, always wishing to give people a second chance.

Code of Conduct: Priests of Shinda are prohibited from killing in her name unless there is no other way to resolve the conflict. Nonlethal force and jailing are seen as favorable actions to take, however when push comes to shove a Priest may take another's life if they leave them no choice. Before engaging in combat, Priests are to try and redeem their enemy to their side.

Uniform: A white cape, silver lance, and/or tiara with a quarts gem worth 5 G within it.

A follower of Shinda in battle gear.

(Image by thuong1308)