
Flying fungi from space, the Mi-Go have a culture that is alien to all but their own kind, delighting in performing experiments even at the cost of the patient they're experimenting on.

Physical Description: Mi-Go have human-sized, pinkish bodies and appear very crustacean like despite their classification as fungi. They do not have eyes or hair, but instead they have tendrils which sprout from where their head would be.

Most Common Alignment: Mi-Go don't like getting into affairs with outsiders unless they absolutely must, or it drives their experiments further. Because of this, and their tendency for cruelty, Mi-Go are commonly Unholy Neutrality.

Most Common Class: Mi-Go are commonly Rogues or Mages, however some become Priests for their Elder Gods.

Most Common Deity: Mi-Go tend to worship the Elder Gods, if they worship any deity at all.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 3 squares (6 square fly speed)

Type: Plant (Mi-Go)

Mi-Go Anatomy: Mi-Go are immune to Poison, Suffocation, Drowning, and can survive in space.

Alien Minds: Mi-Go receive a +2 bonus to Will Defense, and an additional +2 bonus on Will Defense against mind-affecting spells.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Mi-Go

(Image by Khannea SunTzu)