
Tall humanoids with long and curving necks that end in a T-shaped head. This led to those who don't know their species' name to call them "Hammerheads" however Ithorians found this phrase offensive.

Physical Description: Standing quite a bit taller than humans and they have long necks that curl forward and end in a dome-shaped head. They have two mouths, one on each side of there head which produces a stereophonic effect when they talk.

Most Common Alignment: Ithorians are peaceful, calm, and tranquil. They have a love for nature and seek to protect it through the use of technology. Ithorians tend to be any Holy alignment.

Most Common Class: Ithorians are commonly Jedi, Rogues, or even Mages who use The Force.

Most Common Deity: Ithorians either choose to worship deities of nature, or The Force. Some Ithorians see nature deities and The Force and believe them to be intertwined.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Wisdom and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Bellow: As a standard action the Ithorian can open up all four of their throats and let out a terrible subsonic screech. This 6 square cone makes an attack roll (1d20 + attack bonus + charisma + miscellaneous) against all characters and object's Fortitude Defense within the cone. A successful hit deals 3d6 points of sonic damage, a miss deals half damage.

Steel Minds: Ithorians receive a +2 bonus to Will Defense.

Languages: Native Language and Ithorese

(Image from Star Wars)