
Lycanthropes are people who are humanoid at first, but can shapeshift into a half-humanoid/half-beast when under the full moon. The most popular example of this is a werewolf.

Physical Description: Lycanthropes look perfectly normal when not transformed, though some may retain some physical characteristics of the animal they transform into.

Most Common Alignment: Lycans find themselves more inclined towards Neutrality due to the fact that they don't want to be bothered with divine affairs.

Most Common Class: Lycanthrope Soldiers are the most common.

Most Common Deity: Lycanthropes aren't particularly fond of religion, and tend not to worship any deities, not even unholy deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to two different physical stats (cannot be used on the same stat)

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Full Moon Transformation: On a full moon, you transform into a more animalistic form and double the racial bonuses to your physical stats, along with changing into a Large creature with a 4 square movement. The animal form also grants you two natural attacks that rely on your unarmed damage. The type (Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning) is based on the type of attack. Claw attacks are slashing, bites are piercing, slams are bludgeoning, etc.

Partial Transformation: When there is no full moon, you can partially transform. This grants you the natural attacks, but instead of increasing your size or stats you gain a +2 square movement.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Sylvan