
Mindflayers are psychically attuned .

Physical Description: The physical description of the species, their hair color, and eye colors.

Most Common Alignment: The alignment that corresponds with the species' personality.

Most Common Class: Lists of classes correspond with the species' ability scores.

Most Common Deity: If the species worships a deity, which deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Natural Psychic: Mindflayers receive 2 free spells. These spells must be Psychic. These spells have their own pool of uses equal to the Mindflayer's Intelligence. In addition, these free spells must cost either 1 EXP or 4 EXP.

Devour Mind: Against a helpless or otherwise unconscious target a Mindflayer can take a full-round action to extract and devour their mind. Doing this recovers all of their MP.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Liddith