Nature's Wrath

Those within a small area take a concentrated smite directly from nature's power.

Spell Type: Nature {Fire, Water, Cold, Wind, and Any}

EXP Cost: 20

Casting Time: Standard

Target: 3 Square Burst

Goes Against: Reflex Defense

Description: On a successful attack against the Will Defense of the targets within a 3 square burst, you unleash a smite displaying nature's true wrath. This smite deals 5d6 points of fire damage, 5d6 points of cold damage, 5d6 points of electricity damage, 5d6 points of acid damage, and 10d6 points of untyped damage. In addition to this, each damage separately calculates against the target's Damage Threshold. For example, they could be brought down the condition track by the fire damage and acid damage, but not the electricity or cold damage.