Vine Whip

A long vine stretches from the ground, trying to strike enemies around it.

Spell Type: Nature {Forest, Swamp}

EXP Cost: 1

Casting Time: Standard

Target: Single square within 6 squares

Goes Against: Reflex Defense

Description: Choose a square within 6 squares of you. From that square a long and thin vine-like whip sprouts and begins thrashing violently to try and debilitate nearby enemies. The vine functions as a whip except instead of dealing damage it makes constant attacks against enemies within its reach and these attacks are either made to trip or grapple the enemy. This vine only has one attack, and doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. This vine lasts a number of rounds equal to your casting stat.

By spending 2 EXP to advance this spell you can grant the vine another attack per round. This can be done one more time, granting the vine a total of 3 attacks per round.