
Direct descendants of dragons and other humanoids, dragonkin (also known as dragonborn in some cultures) are typically bred for war rather than out of a loving union. Whether they take on more of their draconic heritage or their humanoid heritage varies from dragonkin to dragonkin, however regardless of how much they inherit they receive scales which match their draconic forefather's scales.

Physical Description: Dragonkin possess muscles which are larger than normal, and most have some draconic traits. The color of their eyes and any hair they might have also matches their draconic forefather's scales.

Most Common Alignment: Though not always, Dragonkin typically match the alignment of their draconic brethren. This isn't always the case however since not all Dragonkin are raised the same way.

Most Common Class: Dragonkin typically choose the path of the Soldier, however others wish to delve into the arcane arts that their draconic ancestors studied and become Mages.

Most Common Deity: Instilled from birth (if they are raised by a dragon), Dragonkin are taught to fear and revere the draconic deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Thick Hide: Dragonkin receive a +2 natural armor bonus to Reflex Defense.

Dragon's Breath: Once per day the Dragonkin can spit out a 3 square cone of an element matching their draconic father (typically fire, cold, electricity, or acid). This deals 1d6 + Charisma points of damage

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Draconic