Hellish Pudding

Oozes made from the decrepit bodies of sinners, this new creation roams around as an otherwise mindless servant to hellish fiends.

Hellish Pudding

Intensity: 0.5 (Standard Human)

Unholy Neutrality; Small; Ooze (Pudding, Demon)


Fortitude Defense: 19 ; Reflex Defense: 6 ; Will Defense: 8

HP: 64 (40 + 10 (Con) + 1d8 + 10) ; Damage Threshold: 19

DR: DR 5/Slashing or Bludgeoning ; Misc: Fire Absorption, Immune to unholy, Weakness to holy and cold.


Speed 4 sq.

Melee Slam +7 (1d6+5)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 5, Dex -4, Con 5, Int -, Wis -2, Cha -2

Attack Bonus +2 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats None

Skills None

Language None

Special Servant of Hell, Flaming Split

Servant of Hell (Ex)

For the purpose of taking orders from demons or other creatures in hell more intelligent than it, the Hellish Pudding is counted as having an Intelligence score and understanding Demon Speech (but also making them susceptible to mind-affecting effects from these creatures). While under the orders of such creatures, however, the Hellish Pudding receives a +5 to a single d20 roll once per encounter, and a +4 to all Defenses until the end of the encounter. Like a demon or undead, Hellish Puddings are healed by unholy and harmed by holy.

Flaming Split (Ex)

If the Hellish Pudding is hit with an attack that deals fire damage, the pudding splits off and forms a smaller one of itself. This is a small sized Hellish Pudding with the same stats, save that it has the bonuses/penalties to attack and Reflex Defense from being small.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment hell

Organization solitary, pair, or gathering (1d6+4)

Universe any

Treasure none