Weapon Enhancements

The following are attachments and materials which can be added to a weapon in order to give it a wider array of functions, or narrow it into slaying specific beasts very well. All weapons which have their materials changed to anything beyond Iron/Steel gain the Superior quality.

Enhancements typically fall into a few categories: Material and Attachment

Materials change the inherent properties of a weapon's crafting, such as changing an Iron Longsword into a Steel Longsword. Weapons must be made this way, or changed later through an Artisan check (using the same DC as crafting the item) and paying the cost for the material. Unless a weapon is a double weapon (example: Double Sword) the weapon can only be made up of one material. Double weapons can have two materials, one for each side. Weapons are usually already made of iron. This is only applied to weapons such as Boomerangs which aren't. Because of this, the bonus is not granted to these weapons, and is only gained when a weapon's material changes to iron. Weapons which were originally iron and changed from another material and back to iron don't gain the bonuses as an iron weapon.

Attachments add onto the weapon, and enhance it in ways such as adding electricity damage on its attacks (such as the Electric Current Attachment). Attachments also include Runes which can be attached to weapons by rune casters. A weapon can have a number of runes equal to it based on the type of weapon it is.

Light melee weapons can only hold 2 runes, one-handed melee weapons can hold 4 runes, and two-handed melee weapons can hold 6 runes. One-handed ranged weapons can hold 2 runes and two-handed ranged weapons can hold 4 runes.

Penalties to weight can only reduce a weapon to 0 lbs. or effectively "weightless".