Half Dwarf

Descendants of Dwarves and other humanoids, Half Dwarves (also known as Mul) are treated as lesser beings by their Dwarven kin due to their lack of "true Dwarven blood".

Physical Description: Half Dwarves bear the signs of their Dwarven heritage due to their normally decreased height and potential for fantastic beards (though not all grow beards). Their roundness is not quite as pronounced as a full blooded Dwarf however, and they lack the guttural harshness of one in their voice.

Most Common Alignment: Half Dwarves if in a Dwarven society receive very little in regards to care and attention, causing them to be resentful towards Dwarven kind and making most of them Unholy, however Order and codes are still drilled into their minds.

Most Common Class: Half Dwarves make excellent Soldiers, and even Hamon Adepts.

Most Common Deity: Half Dwarves sometimes worship deities that actively oppose Dwarves.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 4 squares (Unaffected by armor)

Built to Throw: Half Dwarves increase the range of thrown weapons by 2 squares, and adds +50% strength on these thrown weapons as if they're being two-handed.

Abused: Half Dwarves receive a +2 bonus to damage against enemies who have attempted to intimidate them within the past day if the one intimidating them fails.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Dwarven

(Image from Dungeons and Dragons)