Half Gnome

Half Gnomes exhibit the same joyful and playful nature as their Gnome forefathers, however this joyfulness is very subdued compared to other Gnomes.

Physical Description: Half Gnomes stand a little bit taller than other Gnomes, and have humanoid structures save that their faces are abnormal with elongated smirks and wide eyes. The pitch of their voice changes over the course of the day.

Most Common Alignment: Half Gnomes have cheerful and playful personalities, and are thus often Holy Neutrality.

Most Common Class: Due to their Gnomish forefathers, they tend to become magic users - Mages, Priests, and even Jedi.

Most Common Deity: Half Gnomes are not particularly religious creatures.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Wisdom and Charisma

Size: Small

Speed: 4 squares

Demon Slayer: Half Gnomes receive a +2 bonus to attack and damage against Demons or Demonkin.

Sturdy as the Earth: Half Gnomes receive a +2 natural armor bonus to Reflex Defense.

Languages: Native Language, Gnomish, and Sylvan.