
Little green trouble makers, Goblins and their mischief and evil depend on the region they are found in. Some Goblins are nicer and just annoy the occasional adventurer, while others are pure evil and would rip the face off of the same adventurer.

Physical Description: Small, green, and vicious in appearance, Goblins are just under 4 ft. and weigh about as much as a 9 year old human child. Their mouths are very wide and have razor sharp teeth, and their ears are long and pointed.

Most Common Alignment: Goblins tend to fall into one of two extremes: becoming valiant knights and defenders, or becoming psychotic killers in massive droves.

Most Common Class: Goblins commonly become Priests or Rogues.

Most Common Deity: Goblins often worship Rangar, a Goblin King who saved the plant of Goblinian.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Dexterity

Size: Small

Speed: 6 squares

Stealthy Riders: Goblins receive a +2 bonus to Ride and Stealth.

Fast Movement: Goblins have the ability to move rather quickly. Once per day, they can push themselves past their normal limit on their move and gain an additional +1d6 square movement.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Goblin

(Image from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game)