Defender of Homes

You are able to ward homes, tents, and various living encampments from intruders and knaves.

Spell Type: Nature {Forest, Desert, Plains, Swamp, or Urban}

EXP Cost: 4

Casting Time: Full-Round Action

Target: Single residence (tent, house, ruins, etc.)

Goes Against: Will Defense

Description: Choose one of the environments above. You learn how to ward homes within these environments from breaking and entering from unwanted foes. Foes trying to break into the environment immediately trigger a magical alarm which wakes those inside, and the foe has an attack made against their Will Defense. On a successful hit they're dazed for 1d4+1 rounds. This spell lasts for 1 day.

By spending 2 EXP to advance this spell you can choose a new environment and add that to the list of environments you are able to affect with this spell.