
Tricksters who love to taunt those lesser than them, the Gargoyle race is incredibly scarce due to their recklessness and rather harsh approach towards strangers. Even with foes who are tougher than them, they tend to approach them with a sense of humor and certainty.

Physical Description: Gargoyles have skin made from various stones, marbles, and earthy materials, making them particularly tough. They have no hair, and often have red or green eyes. They have sharp claws adorning their hands, making them deadly enemies.

Most Common Alignment: Gargoyles aren’t very fond of the law, but they have no interest in good or evil. They are most commonly Disorderly Neutral.

Most Common Class: Gargoyles make good Rogues, Soldiers, and sometimes even Mages despite their increased vitality.

Most Common Deity: If the species worships a deity, which deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares (4 square fly)

Tough Skin: Gargoyles receive a +2 Natural Armor bonus to their Reflex Defense.

Stony Physique: Gargoyles receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense, and can add half their Strength to Fortitude Defense as a bonus.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language + Sylvan

(Image from Ghoulish Productions)