
Masses of fur and muscle that protect their territory.

Bear, Common

Intensity: 0.2 (Standard Human)

Neutral; Large; Animal


Fortitude Defense: 16 ; Reflex Defense: 13 ; Will Defense: 10

HP: 60 ( 40 + 8 (Con) + 1d8 + 8 (Con) ) ; Damage Threshold: 21 (16 +5 Size)


Speed 6 sq.

Melee bite +6 (1d6+7), 2 claws +1 (1d6+5)

Space 2x2 sq. ; Reach 1 sq. (short reach)


STR 5, Dex 2, Con 4, Int -4, Wis 0, Cha 1

Attack Bonus +1

Feats None

Skills Acrobatics {Strength} +6, Endurance +3, Knowledge (Wilderness) +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Knowledge (Wilderness)

Language None

Special Crushing Jaw, Natural Knowledge

Crushing Jaw (Ex)

The bear's bite attack adds +50% more strength to damage.

Natural Knowledge (Ex)

Bears use their Wisdom for Knowledge (Wilderness) instead of Intelligence.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment cold forests

Organization solitary or pair

Universe any

Treasure none

A large, powerful omnivore, the grizzly bear inhabits many of the world’s forested hills. Equally happy consuming nuts, berries, fish, or small mammals, the grizzly is nonetheless fiercely territorial, and will chase off—or, failing that, kill and eat—any intruders it views as competition.

When faced with a foe or small group of threats, the grizzly attempts to subdue or kill with its claws. When it can, the bear tries to grab a single target to deal continual damage until that target is dead, unconscious, or escapes.