Deep One

Deep Ones are a race of amphibious humanoids which look like a cross between a human, a frog, and a fish. They are known for regularly crossbreeding with humans (see below for Deep One Hybrids).

Physical Description: A bit shorter than humans, a bit chubbier, and a whole lot scalier. Some have antennae which sprout atop their forehead while others lack this feature. All Deep One have gills, webbed hands and feat, bulbous eyes, and fish scales.

Most Common Alignment: Deep Ones wish to serve their lord Dagon, and thus they tend to align close to Dagon. It is very uncommon for pureblooded Deep Ones to abandon this faith, though some Deep One Hybrids have been known to do so.

Most Common Class: Deep Ones are highly resilient and thus work well as Soldiers, though some do well as Priests of Dagon.

Most Common Deity: If the species worships a deity, which deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Constitution and Wisdom

Size: Medium

Speed: 4 squares (8 square swim speed)

Amphibious: Deep Ones can survive on both land and in sea, however they prefer to stay near the sea.

Frightening Face: Deep Ones receive a +4 bonus on Persuasion checks made to intimidate.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Aklo

Deep One Hybrids have the same stats as humans except that upon reaching 60 years old, they go through a painful transformation and become a Deep One. Adjust their stats and abilities accordingly.

(Image by parhapasi)