
Gotals are beings from a planet which had a strange cycle of night and day causing things to sometimes be bright and other times be shrouded in complete darkness. Because of this, they evolved to bypass this problem.

Physical Description: Tall beings with elongated faces and short cone-like horns that rise from their head. They are covered in thick, wiry fur.

Most Common Alignment: Gotals are extremely polite due to their ability to discreetly detect the emotions of other beings. They keep their emotions to themselves from non-Gotals, and instead convey emotions to other Gotals through the use of their cones.

Most Common Class: Gotals tend to become Jedi, Mages, or Psychics.

Most Common Deity: Gotals tend not to worship any particular deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to two different stats (cannot be used on the same stat)

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Energy Reading: Gotals can read the emotions of any sentient beings within a 6 square radius. As a standard action they must make an Awareness check vs. the target's Will Defense. Success reveals their emotional state.

Sensor Cones: Gotals can use Force Sensing as many times per day as they like.

Languages: Native Language and Gotal

(Image from Star Wars NEGAS)