

Prototyes can shapeshift your body, and adapt to many situations. These powers are both offensive and defensive.

HP & Defenses

Prototyes possess a d12 Hit Die, and they start the game with 80 Hit Points (plus double Constitution and other modifiers). By spending 3 XP the Prototye can gain a Hit Die, increasing their Hit Points accordingly.

They also receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Reflex Defense.

Stat Bonuses

Prototyes receive a +1 bonus to one of the following attributes; Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

Increasing these attributes outside of character creation is done at a discount (10 XP per increase instead of 20 XP)

Attack Bonus

Prototyes receive a +2 Attack Bonus.

By spending 5 XP the Prototye can increase their Attack Bonus by +2, to a maximum of +12.

Skill Points

Prototyes receive 1 rank in the following skills at character creation;

  • Acrobatics

  • Awareness

  • Endurance

  • Knowledge (Technology)

  • Stealth

  • Use Computers

Starting Feats

Prototyes receive the following starting feats;

Biological Weapon

Prototypes are masters of using their unarmed strikes, morphing and transforming them alongside their utilization of traditional weaponry. Their unarmed strikes are able to be transformed mid-swing, dealing either slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage at any given moment and being able to be altered with each swing if a Prototype makes multiple attacks in a single round.

In addition to this, the Prototype can absorb weaponry into their body, wielding it as if it were their unarmed strikes. They are capable of applying feats and talents that normally only apply to unarmed strikes to the weapon - even if it would normally be impossible, and the weapon deals their unarmed strike damage if it is higher than the weapon's base damage. After an hour however the weapon is dissolved, being absorbed into their body.

Morphological Resistances

With their ability of being able to morph their body to their heart's content, the Prototype receives natural resistances which make them harder to kill. They receive Resistance 5 to one of the following energy types (Fire, Cold, Acid, or Electricity), Regeneration 5 (Silver or Cold Iron), and DR 5/-.

However due to their extremely morphological bodies, they struggle to wear armor and receive zero benefits from doing so. They do not gain a bonus to Reflex Defense, only taking the penalties a set of armor would impose. In addition some creature types cannot take the Prototype class without GM permission such as Constructs, Oozes, and Vermin.