
Xenophobic cloners who, as a result of selective breeding and genetic modification, are adaptable and extremely talented.

Physical Description: Tall and gaunt with pale skin, glassy eyes, three-fingered hands, and long necks. Their faces are small, and Kaminoan males have a fin-like crest on their head while females don't possess one.

Most Common Alignment: Kaminoans see themselves as superior to all other life forms, and they harbor a private intolerance for imperfections. Nevertheless they are polite to outsiders, and even respect other species who seek self improvement.

Most Common Class: Kaminoans prefer to work as Rogues, though Kaminoans of other classes are not unheard of.

Most Common Deity: Due to their appreciation of science and cloning they hold no special place for the gods, thinking they are beneath their culture.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Resistant: Kaminoan's superior genetics allow them to easily resist ailments, granting them a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense.

Healers: Kaminoans are experts at healing technology, and can reroll Heal checks and take the better result. In addition to this, when providing First Aid they instead heal allies for 5 HP per rank in Heal and Long-Term Care heals 14 HP per rank in Heal.

Languages: Native Language and Kaminoan

(Picture from Star Wars)