The Great Race of Yith

Yithians inhabited dying worlds eons ago, escaping their doomed planet in order to do so. They do this by casting their minds through time and space and resting their minds in strange, alien bodies.

Physical Description: The Great Race of Yith (also known as Yithians) are bizarre creatures with conical bodies with four tentacles - two with pincers, one with a tube, and the last one with a spherical head.

Most Common Alignment: Yithians, despite their strange and alien nature, are often Orderly Neutral. They are perfectly willing to take over other being's bodies, however.

Most Common Class: Yithians tend to be psychics due to their innate psychic abilities, though others merely become scholars.

Most Common Deity: The Yithians tend to worship Outer Gods if any deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 4 squares

Project Mind: Yithians can, as a full-round action, swap their mind with a creature within line of sight. This is an attack against Will Defense and must bypass their Will Defense by 5 or more in order to succeed. This swap sees the other creature controlling the Yithian's body while the Yith controls the new creature's body.

Psychic Scholar: Yithians receive a +1 bonus on all Knowledge checks they make.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Yithian

(Image by Michael Bukowski)