Energy Beam

You fire a beam of energy .

Spell Type: Arcane {Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Sonic, or Corruption}

EXP Cost: 12

Casting Time: Standard

Target: 12 square line

Goes Against: Reflex Defense (Fortitude Defense if Sonic)

Description: By striking a target with an arcane element of your choice, you debilitate them while harming them. This spell deals 6d6 points of damage relating to the element chosen.

    • Fire: If the attack bypasses Reflex Defense by 5 or more, the target(s) catch on fire.

    • Cold: If the attack bypasses Reflex Defense by 5 or more, the target(s) can only move at half speed.

    • Acid: If the attack bypasses Reflex Defense by 5 or more, the target(s) take minimum damage of the spell for 1d4 rounds.

    • Electricity: If the attack bypasses Reflex Defense by 5 or more, the target(s) jitter in a random direction (1d8 for direction).

    • Sonic: If the attack bypasses Fortitude Defense by 5 or more, the target(s) are deaf for 1d4 rounds.

    • Corruption: If the attack bypasses Reflex Defense by 5 or more, the target(s) take a -2 to all d20 checks and Defenses.

By spending 2 EXP to advance the spell, the spell deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to a maximum of 14d6.