

Subtle manipulators of time and its effects, Chronomancers use this power to use short distance teleportation and enhancing their combat abilities.

HP & Defenses

Chronomancers possess a d8 Hit Die, and they start the game with 40 Hit Points (plus double Constitution and other modifiers). By spending 3 XP the Chronomancers can gain a Hit Die, increasing their Hit Points accordingly.

They also receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense.

Stat Bonuses

Chronomancers receive a +1 bonus to one of the following attributes; Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma.

Increasing these attributes outside of character creation is done at a discount (10 XP per increase instead of 20 XP)

Attack Bonus

Chronomancers receive a +1 Attack Bonus.

By spending 5 XP the Chronomancer can increase their Attack Bonus by +1, to a maximum of +10.

Skill Points

Chronomancers receive 1 rank in the following skills at character creation;

  • Acrobatics

  • Awareness

  • Deception

  • Knowledge (History and Time)

  • Linguistics

  • Persuasion

  • Stealth

  • Use Magic Device

Starting Feats

Chronomancers receive the following starting feats;


Chronomancers receive a pool of MP like a magic user, and use their Charisma as their casting attribute. By spending MP they are able to age and de-age various things.

Alter Age: By spending 5 MP the Chronomancer can make a ranged attack versus Will Defense against an opponent within 4 squares. On a successful hit, the opponent takes 2d6 points of damage and take a -1 penalty to all physical attributes for 1 day. This is an aging effect, and does not affect species who are immortal such as Angels.

Stasis: Chronomancers can put an object in stasis by spending 2 MP, making the object resistant to spoiling or damage. Objects like meat and other perishables last indefinitely until consumed, and other objects are temporarily reinforced when stasis is applied. Reinforced objects double their HP and take half damage from attempts to destroy them. This lasts for a number of days equal to the Chronomancer's Charisma, and can only affect objects of the Chronomancer's size or smaller.

Biological Immortality

Chronomancers do not physically age, and are immune to the ravages of time as well as any aging or de-aging effects, always being considered in their prime. In addition to this, penalties to their attributes which would be inflicted upon them (such as from debuffs) are halved (to a minimum of 0).