
An icy warrior with a big sword.


Intensity: 1.1 (Powerful Human)

Elemental Soldier; True Neutral; Medium; Humanoid (Elemental)


Fortitude Defense: 18 ; Reflex Defense: 13 ; Will Defense: 14

HP: 198 (50 + 12 (Con) + 8d10 + 96) ; Damage Threshold: 23 (18 + 5)

Misc: Immune to cold


Speed 6 sq.

Melee Energy Greatsword +15 (2d6+14)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 6 (7 with Greatsword), Dex 1, Con 6, Int -1, Wis 4, Cha 1

Attack Bonus +8; Casting Stat: Wisdom ; MP: 18

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Sword, Polearm), Armor Proficiency (All), Power Strike, Improved Power Strike, Never Give Up, Second Wind, Grit Teeth, Improved Damage Threshold

Talents Devastator (Swords), Aura of Fear, Unrelenting, Blowback, Reeling Attack

Skills Acrobatics +4, Awareness +10, Endurance +14, Knowledge (Tactics) +1, Persuasion +8, Ride +3

Language English, Furya


Arcane Energy Sword (Mk I: Greatsword)

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary (unique)

Universe any

Treasure None