
Name/Title: Drey (The Forest's Defender)

Alignment: True Neutral

Portfolio: Travel, Elves, and Forestry

Holy Symbol: A growing tree marked with a "DY"

Favored Animal: Stag

Favored Color: Green and Brown

Favored Weapon: Longbow

Emissaries: Drey comes to his followers as an Elven man with flowing silver hair and garbed in hunting gear. His demeanor is usually collected and thoughtful, only becoming angry when one of his followers has willingly harmed the forest and their inhabitants.

Personality: Thought to be selfless, Drey doesn't let any of his followers in on his true colors and is an ever-present enigma as a deity. Other deities only know of his devotion to the forests, and think he may be a bit mad with protecting them.

Code of Conduct: Priests of Drey must always follow the behest of the birds - if they give warning not to enter the forest due to imminent danger ahead, listen to them unless the goal is to rid the danger from the forest itself. Protecting and maintenance of nature is required as well.

Uniform: Priests of Drey must wear hunting boots, a bow of some kind, or a camouflage cape.

A hunter of Drey's

(Image by Eugene Pidhainyi)