Holy Light

You create a ball of light in your hand, and throw it out to blind your foe.

Spell Type: Divine {Holy}

EXP Cost: 1

Casting Time: Standard

Target: Enemy within 6 squares

Goes Against: Will Defense

Description: Through the use of holy energies you create a small ball of condensed light in your hands. After its creation, you throw it at a target within 6 squares of you and make an attack against their Will Defense. On a successful hit they are blinded for 1 round per point of your casting stat.

By spending 2 EXP to advance the spell, the spell increases from a single target to a burst (affecting all adjacent squares to the original target), and each subsequent time this is taken again the burst range is increased out by another 1 square. This can be done up to a maximum of a 4 square burst.