
The Diclonius are near-humans with psychic capabilities allowing them to manipulate the world around them. They have spectral hands which follow around them.

Physical Description: The Diclonius look like slim and pale humans, though rarely reaching a height past 5'9''. Their hair colors are similar to the common colors found with humans, along with a few more exotic colors such as pink or red. Their eyes are typically yellow or red, though stranger colors like blue sometimes show up with purple being the rarest. They also possess small protrusions in their skull that look like little horns.

Most Common Alignment: Diclonii are insane, their inner personality struggles causing them to shift between emotions rapidly, and causing turmoil for them and those around them.

Most Common Class: Diclonii tend to become psychics to help hone their spectral hands (also known as vectors) and also help with their mental anguish.

Most Common Deity: The Diclonius rarely if ever worships a deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Constitution and Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Vectors: Diclonii can choose to attack corporeal and incorporeal beings with their vectors as if they were magical. They count as unarmed strikes for effects which enhance unarmed.

Powerful Mind: Diclonii receive a +2 bonus to Will Defense.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language (typically Human Languages)

(Image from the Elfen Lied anime)