Satori Komeiji

A Satori from a far off land, she grows ever cynical due to her ability to read minds and the absence(?) of her sister.

Satori Komeiji

Intensity: 2.6 (Supernatural Being)

Satori Mage; Orderly Neutral; Medium; Humanoid (Satori)


Fortitude Defense: 15 (+1 Armor) (Amulet of the Body +6) ; Reflex Defense: 27 (+5 Armor) (+10 Boots of the Swift) ; Will Defense: 24 (+8 Ring of the Soul)

HP: 56 (30 - 2 (Con) + 14d6 - 14) ; Damage Threshold: 15


Speed 6 sq.

Melee Unarmed Strike +3 (1d4+2)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR -1, Dex 2, Con -2, Int 10, Wis 2, Cha 2

Attack Bonus +4 ; Casting Stat: Intelligence; MP: 30

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Spellcasting (Psychic), Digital Root, Intense Spell, Rebounding Spell, Spell Sacrifice

Talents Arcane Energy Shield, Improved Intense Spell, Spell Destruction, Spell Focus (Overload Mind), Spell Specialization (Overload Mind)

Skills Awareness +12, Handle Animal +10, Heal +3, Knowledge (Magic, Dark Magic, History, and Tactics) +11, Spellcraft +20, Use Magic Device +5

Language English, Sori, Japanese, Russian, Latin, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Thai, German, Italian

Psychic is Satori Komeiji's main spellcasting type, and thus she doubles her spellcasting stat on attacks with this spell (giving her a total bonus of +24 on spells)


Psychic Move Object, Psychometry, Psi Sense, Bad Trip, Thought Transfer, Mind Reading, Overload Mind (Mk. IV), Insanity Vision, Dangerous Dreams (Mk. V), Cerebral Sever, Reality Distortion, Foresight

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary (unique)

Universe any

Treasure Amulet of the Body +6, Ring of the Soul +8, Boots of the Swift +10, +2 Iron Leather Armor