Years roll over, but memories do not fade

We hear about many places. They create desire in us to see them. We long to see them. Once we see them. We boast of having seen them. In life there is as much to see as much to know & understand.

Undertaking of tours at old age need company, enthusiasm, health, leisure, finance , patience & what not. How many trips & excursions I went in these two decades of my retirement. I have left only a few important places in and around Bengaluru uncovered. Years roll over, but memories do not fade.Memory is silent movie on the mind screen visible to man & could be watched by him only.

We 40 to 50 people used to leave Sahakar Nagar early in the morning at about 7 a.m. in luxury busses with delicious breakfast, & lunch well prepared by. Vishwas Condiments Sahakar Nagar usually. Every trip & excursion was an unique experience. In a group all people are not of cast in the same mould.. We being not professional tour conductors we had to undergo many hazards. We couldn't maintain by & large our time schedule. We reached our home many times late in the night.Yet we enjoyed them.Tours made us forget our age strain time ,& hunger . Each trip brought us closer.& closer. We exchanged our life experiences.

Here I am sharing an experience shared by a gynecologist . Any profession is not easy & medical profession too is not easy.A profession doesn't demand mere knowledge. It is not for mere amassing of wealth. It is to serve people. It is to be more human.

At what time, who knocks at the door of doctor with what complications, it couldn't be said at all. A good doctor is at the service of people all the twenty four hours of a day. Not only a patient will have sleepless night but a doctor too would have sleepless night. Medical profession is a noble profession.

One night our doctor was woke up by parents of some lady. They complained that their daughter has been suffering from unbearable pain. Doctor immediately asked them to get admitted to nursing home. In the nursing home it was obvious to doctors that it was delivery pains. Parents didn't agree with the doctor"s diagnosis at all. They argued that their daughter lives with them. She is unmarried. She is a software engineer daily attending to her work, leaving home in the morning & returning home in the evening. They denied any affairs whatsoever.They declared that they didn't come across any indication of pregnancy whatsoever. They added that they have complete faith in their daughter & she is virgin. They did not want the delivery of the child to take place. It was difficult for the doctor to tide over the situation.

Nowadays professionals thrive on others vulnerability too.It is difficult to analyse this kind of situation. There is definitely story behind this kind of situation.

While erring one wouldn't be usually either aware or ignores consequences . It is while facing consequence one opens eyes. They exclaim "what wrong I have done". One cannot go unpunished for wrongs that they do at all. This is His law.

However, It is said " To err is human but to forgive is divine." It is to be understood as to err is human to forgive is human too.