Thoughts are man' s assets & liabilities

Water flows in river & thoughts flow in mind. There are a number of lessons to be learnt from these two flows.In river if the water doesn't flow drought occurs.In mind if the thoughts don't flow drought occurs in the intellectual world.When there are floods, river overflows & causes damages. When there is an overflow of thoughts in mind, more than good it does damage. Man wouldn't know what to do & what not to do. More than how many thoughts one has how many good thoughts one has is always important. One of the reasons for good & bad that takes place in one's life are thoughts.One that can create storm & calm in man is thoughts. It is said first impression is the best impression it is the thoughts which install it.How many factors have incidence on a man's thought.One of the frequent prayers of the man to God is always "Give me right thoughts "

Thoughts are lifelong companions to everyone. They don't leave them for a second too.Definitely man doesn't travel as much as his thoughts travel. Even in sleep they move. Where all they travel they travel forward, backwards & everywhere with all acceleration in all directions. How much man tries to control them . Their travel is invisible. Not noticeable .They too tire. They move from continent to continent. Is the distance could be measured? They visit heaven, hell & what not. There is nothing like present, past or future to them. They travel all over. It is purposeful & purposeless travel. They create problems solve problems. What all images they do create.What all feelings they do develop. They are pals in good times as well as in bad times.They bring one another nearer . It is they tear one another apart too. They can be shared with others or needn't be shared with others . It's one's sweet will.They are wonderful.They are anvil for all activities.It's impossible to remember all of them. No problem. Important among them would be in store in subconscious mind at one's service.The thought that God is behind him gives a man strength & confidence.

Man is superior than other living beings because of his thoughts only.It's they that enable one memorise what's wanted, what isn't wanted & what isn't there too. What all couldn't be done with them. They are assets & liabilities. They are man's best memoirs. They are remembered as quotes & sayings.Fantastic thoughts lead to fantastic deeds.They are His boon to him to live & lead life. Democracy is thoughts. Communism is thoughts. World is ruled by thoughts.Thoughts are good only if they are translated into deeds. Life of a man depends upon thoughts. Without positive or good thoughts one can't be optimistic & one can't be pessimistic without negative or bad thoughts.Positive thoughts keep one happy & contented & negative thoughts keep one disgruntled & unhappy.Successful man is one who knows how to convert negative thoughts into positive thoughts.It is an art, it is a capability which needs always His blessings invariably.

In whose mind what thoughts are there it couldn't be known. Thoughts are suspense.It is they which instil & boost confidence ,courage & what not in man. What's good what's bad that nobody tells man better than his own thoughts. They are a friend in need only when nobody comes to help it is they come to help. What suits the situation best they tell.It is they bring him appreciation. It is they bring him blame. Man may be same . But his is thoughts aren't similar . Some thoughts come & go to him. Some thoughts of him are like leach they do not leave him at all.They come again & again until they are attended & disposed off satisfactorily.Life begins with no thoughts & ends with no thoughts.Only in between they reign.Any step in life or anywhere needs not merely a thought but thoughts.

Thoughts are not bolts from the blues.Improved thoughts always bring all round improvement in a man's life.Great thoughts are from great people after great achievements only.The mind is like a thought factory, working in shifts, day and night, producing thoughts.Think tank is nothing but a pool of thoughts. Thousands of think tanks exist world over. Big organisations have it invariably these days. Mentally & physically one must be fit to improve thoughts. It's" Where there is a will there is a way" Mere intelligence does not improve thoughts "

Why people penance ? It is to have good powerful thoughts. Man's endeavour must be always to improve quality& lessen quantity of thoughts.Nothing improves on their own.Thoughts too need attention & efforts for improvement. If they are left alone, they do not improve at all. The mind becomes idle as a result & an idle mind has been always a devil's workshop. That is how thoughts become liabilities also.Ill feelings or well feelings, thoughts only can develop. Thoughts give birth to revenge, jealousy & anger etc.

.Usually man speaks what his thoughts are, however there are people who speak what their thoughts are not. What their thoughts & what they speak are different. " Words build a house, words ruin a house too " This is a saying. Similarly, " Thoughts make a man or ruin a man too" is a saying. Good thoughts are assets & bad are liabilities. One is right way & other one is wrong way. What man is his thoughts. They are his brain child. Man dances to its tune. Man's "yes or no" are his thoughts only. His all decisions are his thoughts. All feelings & emotions that arise in him are on account of thoughts only.Every invention is offspring of his thought. Thoughts are fruits of his sweat. What he speaks or talks is also his thoughts only. His deeds are product of his thoughts. Nowhere his intelligence is more found than in his thoughts.If they weren't there life would have been unlivable.Thoughts save time & energy. They make things easy & comfortable.

Man is servant of his thoughts & thoughts are servant of a man. Man tries to reign over thoughts & thoughts try to reign over man. It is never ending duel in everyone's life. Without the duel no day passes in the life of every man.Without thoughts no man wouldn't feel what life is at all.Demand must be for not only food clothes & shelter it must be also for good thoughts. Good thoughts do marvel at all times. Demand for them should be for ever.Thoughts must be always centered round country & others. They must be least centered around self.

What thoughts do not possess ? They possess man's experience & knowledge . They provide dutiful & selfless service. Man is mostly liked or disliked for his thoughts & deeds. Good or bad his or other's thoughts are a man's guide. Man doesn't listen to anybody usually. He is servant of his thoughts. Without active participation of thoughts no success can be achieved at all.They are always within. What they are & how powerful they are would be known only when they are effective.Thoughts are flexible. They need not be used as & when they occur. They can be used at any time according to convenience.

What to do ? Man doesn't know. He is desperate.It is when thoughts are empty. Thoughts are always primary.If they go wrong everything go wrong .Man would be on right path only if they are on the right path.They are catalyst. Behind every good & bad act of man they are behind him without fail. Seldom they remain the same. They are often old order changeth yielding place to new. Some thoughts make a man confident & some thoughts make a man despondent.Thoughts are to a man like a man between a devil & a deep sea.

Gandhiji's & 3 monkeys That is "Don't see bad, Don't hear bad & don't speak bad " are ideal to develop good thoughts at all times.It is innovative. It is appealing. It is psychological.

Appetite to improve thoughts must be insatiable. Something has to be learnt from wise & something has to be learnt from unwise too.

Thoughts are assets or liabilities depending upon what they are & how they are utilised.Positive thoughts are good thoughts & are constructive & negative thoughts are bad thoughts & are destructive. Assets & liabilities are formed depending upon the quantum of positive thoughts & negative thoughts & man.There is nothing like their thoughts, our thoughts. It is best thoughts be always ours.

Life is the story. Thoughts are movie. Mind is the screen. Man is the operator.