Practical & Impractical.

Practical & impractical are poles apart. Everyone would find it difficult to lead life without being practical whereas one would find his life hard by being impractical. Who is practical ? One who does whenever, wherever, whatever is necessary is practical & one who does not do whenever,wherever whatever necessary is impractical.We can love everybody but we can't please everybody.What is in our hands we can do,it's practical but we can't do what isn't in our hands at all. It's impractical.Practical follow the rules where necessary but don't talk of them where it isn't necessary. Practical means it may not be as usual but may need some alteration or change as the situation demands.

Everything appears to be easy in life.It's practically only one would feel whether anything is really easy or not.Man would know quite often what one is while practically dealing with them.In other words he would come to know their true colours at that time only. Practical experience always carries more weight.

Everywhere in every walk of life we come across practical & impractical . What is there in doing something that's practical we should do what's that's impractical too,it's what some people think & it's goal of some people in life also. It is building castles in the air.If anything is assumed as impractical & left alone it would remain as impractical . If one tries & puts all the efforts they could turn anything impractical into practical .Success inspires one after another person .World wouldn't have developed this much if impractical haven't become practical.What was impractical yesterday may become practical today.

Great are those who make impractical into practical. They aren't ordinary people, they are certainly extraordinary. What they do is an impossible task . It is a wonder many a times. It is an invention many a times also.

“Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the


― says Theodore Roosevelt

One can't remain without being practical in life at all.It's necessary to be practical in life.If a man isn't practical he has to undergo many hazards in life. He has to suffer a lot. He often cuts a sorry figure & what not. Everyone likes a man to be practical. To be practical is good to man as well as to others. The person with practical wisdom knows well how to live a good life. One with practical wisdom can manage any situation always well. Practical people are good at managing matters & solving real life problems . Being practical they lose no opportunity.They gain more experience, confidence ,courage & make life successful.No one is practical by birth. It is a developed quality. One adopts it to profit & succeed. If one is practical people try to deal with them. People can bargain or negotiate with a person who is practical. If one is impractical people try to avoid them.

Everyone talks. No one can remain without talking at all. What all they talk. They talk everything under the sky. Out of what all big one talks only a little is practical rest is impractical. Talking is by & large a waste of time. Man makes all types of promises. Oaths, vows, & pledges are nothing but promises only. Promises are practical & impractical too. While promising man doesn't usually think also whether they are practical or impractical at all. How promises which are impractical could be kept up ? Similarly, suggestions means how many suggestions come forth.One needn't spend anything to suggest at all . Tom Dick & Harry come forth with suggestions . Only some of them are valuable & practical & majority are impractical & useless. In life man gets numerous ideas. Some of them are only practical . Some of them are impractical. What is practical to one person may be impractical to another person.

Doing where what's appropriate is practical. One who is practical don't stick to a strategy.They change strategy wherever necessary.It's easy to anyone to advise to be practical. It isn't easy to be practical as one assumes.There's always difference between theory & practice. That's why there is often variance between what one says & what one does. One to be practical what they undertake should be practical.They mustn't be rigid.They must be flexible.What's practical, what's impractical that always can't be said at the outset.It's experience only that makes one realize what's practical & what's impractical. It is life that only teaches one how to be practical.

There's no one who doesn't have a fall & have bruises in their life at all.It's impossible to remember & recollect all of them . Some of them leave a scar which couldn't be removed & remain as identification marks. Some of them cause so much pain that they remain in memory. Some appear as & when something happens & remind. Life is unforgettable in one way or other. Happy incidents in life also remain green in memory of everyone too. One must be practical. They must remember what is necessary & forget what is unnecessary.

To be practical is an appreciable quality in a man .It is helpful to him as well as to others also . Many a time there is no other go than to be practical either to survive or helpful to others in this world .One must think what is practical and not what is not practical. One who is practical is often remembered.

Impractical can't be practical.Where practical also other inputs & others cooperation are quite essential for implementation. More than anything experience is quite essential to be practical.What's said to be practical must be easier & better. It must be more advantageous & beneficial too.

Practical is doing what one says. That which can be practised is practical. It is one that can be put to use. It is one which is likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances;feasible.It's converting words into deeds.To be practical is to think more positively.One must be more practical than theoretical. If necessary laws are to be amended to be practical . Anything practical is usually of immense value .

People like those who are practical generally.All are not practical in life. All is not practical in life. Something is practical & something is not practical in it .One should be practical where possible only and not everywhere. One should use their intelligence always before being practical. That which is not practicable is useless. It is only theoretical. This is a lesson from life.

A practical person is good at dealing with problems and making decisions based on what is possible and what will really work. A practical person would have full knowledge. He is an experienced person.If one is practical people try to deal with them. If one is impractical people try to avoid them.