
What an amazing technological and scientific developments in this 21 st century. As a result, people are so busy in this 21 st century that they have no time either to return a smile or to give and take respect. In fact, many of them do not know what is behavior. They would not like to know what is it also. Ego is making them forget behavior.They do not understand that those who have everything but behavior are no good at all. It is not known how many prayers are being offered daily to Almighty due to paucity of good behavior in this 21st century. Those numbers cannot be estimated at all. The need for improvement in behavior has increased drastically in this 21st century. Mahatma Gandhi says "It is not enough if our thinking is good , our behavior must also be good. A behavior must not only satisfy a person but it must also satisfy the others eyes too. A behavior must be always very smooth. It must be like an engine on rails. Otherwise everything goes wrong.

Whether it is education, whether it is employment everywhere a certificate of good conduct is insisted without fail. What is always under watch is one's behavior. CCTV and hidden cameras are being extensively used these days in almost all countries to monitor the behavior of one and all at sensitive places due to terrorist activities.What is behavior? It is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others. It is display of qualities imbibed in a person. Everyone desires that their behavior to be decent and pleasing . Majority of people are concerned about their behaviors.They take utmost care while behaving. Behavior is one's performance.It is when behavior is commented, one is angered more than at any time. Behavior is an integral part of human life. It is an art.It enables us to understand an individual. It could be imitated. A good behavior always commands respect.It enhances ones reputation.Man is a social animal .He cannot remain dumb. He has to behave. One has to behave well to be popular. Man's behavior towards all need not be one and the same. Behavior of a man towards one may be good and behavior of the same man towards another man may not be good. One need not please everyone with their behavior. But they do not have any right to hurt anyone with their behavior too. Where there is no discipline normally there there is no proper behavior too. In fact,more often proper behavior has to be enforced there. Patience is essential for behavior more than anything else. It is the backbone of a behavior. One cannot behave well without it especially during difficult times . Imagine how this universe would be without behavior. It would be in total disarray. Some squatting , some sitting , some standing, some laughing, some weeping, some dancing and some shouting .What a scene it would be. Definitely,it would be like a lunatic asylum. It would be a motley crowd . A sandy market.

Human behavior is the collection of behaviors exhibited by human beings and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values,ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and/or genetics. Behavior is not at all an easy task. It could be either a strength or a weakness of an individual. It is very powerful. It is capable of wining a heart .A behavior can make one's life either enjoyable and enviable or pitiable. We can make out from behavior what type of man one is. Man's behavior is always superior than that of any other animal on this planet. Man has got wisdom and grasping power to behave. Human behavior is mostly a direct result of the functioning of our central nervous system. The part of the brain that influences our behavior the most is the frontal lobe of the cerebrum. Healthy mind is the prime requisite of behavior.Understanding behavior requires knowledge and skill. The study of human behavior is Psychology.

There are different types of behavior. According to psychology there are 1o types of behavior as stated here below.

1. Overt

2. Covert

3. Simple

4. Couple

5. Conscious

6. Unconscious

7. Rational

8. Irrational

9. Voluntary

10. Involuntary

According to an ordinary man there are two types of behavior. One is good behavior and the other is bad behavior.

What is good behavior? Good behavior comprises of actions and responses acceptable and understood by society. They adhere to the norms of society, so to speak. The outcome of such behavior is always positive and pleasant.

What comprises bad behavior? It can be categorized as such if they fall into any of the following: (1) it causes damage to any person, event, or thing; (2) it affects and harms society, including your ability to perform your duties and responsibilities, and (3) it gives unnecessary negative impact to any person, event, or thing.

The list of good behavior and list of bad behavior are in fact in exhaustive.

World consists of people of all types of behavior. Behavior of some among them is good , behavior of some among them is tolerable and behavior of some among them is irritating. Behavior of some is inhuman. In fact , behavior of animals is better than the behavior of some people. We come across in life many faces of mad mind. All of them live in this world together. It is unity in diversity.The term role model means any person who serves as an example,whose behavior is emulated by others. Behaviors of great people are normally emulated by number of people. There are other people also who never emulate behavior of others. They behave in their own way. The world is strange.

No matter how old our children are, our praise and encouragement of their behavior will help them feel good about themselves. This boosts their self-esteem and confidence. Whether it is happiness or whether it is sorrow it is reflected in one's behavior. Whether it is a good news or whether it is a bad news , it affects normally behavior of a person and we can notice some change in their behavior. If one is in the company of bad people , there is every likelihood of they being influenced by bad behavior. Similarly, if one is in the company of good people, there is likelihood of they being influenced by good behavior. Normally a strong personality influences the behavior of a weak personality. Behavior is sensitive. It is contagious It does not remain as it is. It is seldom stagnant or constant .It is elastic.It is transparent. It has standards. However,it is flexible. It can be learnt. It can be taught .It can be modified. It can be so much modified that one would wonder whether this is the same man whom they met last time. Of course, behavior rarely changes of its own. It is in a way a habit only. A behavior if allowed to continue for long would be difficult to modify. Circumstances, our efforts and others efforts are needed to bring in a change in a behavior. Behavior is what a man does , not what he thinks, feels or believes. Human behavior flows from three main sources : desire, emotion, and knowledge. Habits are shorthand of behavior.

Behavior can please or displease others. It can be decent or indecent . It depends on state of mind of an individual and mood. It needs tact and skills. Everyone is not vested with the same quantum of tact and skill with regard to behavior. We say his behavior is odd whereas our behavior itself is odd. We do not know how we behave .It is others who must tell us how was our behavior.Behavior is always an important aspect of life. It is not known how many eyes are on it. One's behavior is always star attraction.Nothing attract one's eyes more than a person's behavior.It is behavior which is often subjected to either criticism or appreciation . A man without behavior is no better than a beast.Behavior develops or mars relationship.It is a tool with which one can impress. It can bring one either fame or ill fame too. Police controls behavior of mob. The husband controls the behavior of wife and wife controls behavior of the husband. Teacher controls the behavior of students . Behavior of animals are controlled by humans . Everywhere behavior is controlled .That is how the world functions.

Behaviors that make a person unique. Behavior portrays what type of a person one is. Behavior reflects superiority or inferiority complex that is imbibed in a person. It is on account of behavior one is liked or disliked. A culprit is normally released for good behavior earlier before the expiry of period of imprisonment fixed. Behavior makes one remembered too. It is from behavior we could often make out courage, capability and confidence instilled in a person. In other words we can scale a personality and form either a good or a bad opinion about a person from behavior.In other words behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.Behavior reveals whether one is an innocent person or a rogue. It also often reveals one's intention to commit suicide. We could notice ego of a person in behavior only.

All do not behave in the same way. Behavior differs from man to man. A behavior must suit an occasion.Otherwise it looks weird. Human behavior can be normal. It can be eccentric. It is always not possible to imagine how human behavior would be. It depends on many factors. It depends on the environment in which one lives or grows. Circumstances influence behavior. Genes of a man too play a part in their behavior. If a behavior is good it is generally productive . If a behavior is bad it could be either unproductive or counterproductive. As long as there is coordination between mind and body, behavior can be controlled. One cannot control their behavior through physical strength .What is required to restrain behavior is mind control.We are not authors for all our 'behavior. Behavior must not only satisfy others but also it must satisfy the individual more than anybody else.

One must be conscious of their behavior.They must pay attention to their behavior.They must compare their behavior with that of others. They must study their behavior as well as behavior of others without fail.The most popular fields of human study include psychology, sociology, & anthropology each of which explores human behavior from a different perspective. Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior with the object of understanding why living beings behave as they do. Sociology is the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present.

Behavior is not as easy as we think. It is not mere opening of the mouth, raising of eye brow and moving of limbs.It is something more. It consists of wide range of gestures. Behavioral changes take place in a man from time to time. One's lacunae or shortcomings cause behavior problems. Those who have behavioral problems face always unrest. They are perturbed.They left to themselves become uncontrollable and violent. One's behavior as far as possible must resemble the behavior of majority of people in a society. Behavioral problems make life difficult and even unlivable. Some behavioral problems are manageable without having to seek medication or institutionalization. A positive approach always helps a lot in tackling behavioral problems.Some are aware of behavioral problems which are in them. Some are not aware of behavioral problems which are in them. Behavioral problems of children is major concern of many parents. Communication difficulties can lead to behavioral difficulties. Behavioral problems affect the happiness of a family.They bring in stress and strain on a family.When they would emerge why they would emerge and how they would emerge only a psychologist or a psychiatrist know. It is a psychologist or a psychiatrist who can guide the families suitably in getting rid of behavioral problems also. Those who are aware of behavioral problems which are in them normally have inferiority complex and depression . Majority of them try to come out of their deficiencies. They put in lot of efforts. Those who are not aware of behavioral problems which are in them may have either superiority complex or inferiority complex or both. All those who have behavioral problems need counselling , medication guidance and sympathy.

It is said that a man is circumstances made. Thoughts affect our behavior. Negative thoughts affect adversely our behavior and positive thoughts affect favorably our behavior. One likes to have control over their behavior. But they do not like their behavior being controlled by anybody. Everybody wants to behave as they like. Control over human behavior has always been unpopular.Subconscious mind controls our feelings, thoughts and behavior. It affects the way we live. Education, knowledge and experience control our behavior. Society and Government control our behavior . More than anyone else it is an individual who can control their behavior.Attitudes have a powerful influence on behavior. Motivations have a compelling impact on behavior. Simply changing outward behavior is not effective.

Life is a drama. Behavior is enactment of a role. It is always not smooth or easy. Many face one or another problem while behaving. There are called behavioral problems. Perfection is a rare phenomenon.Though, everybody is not lunatic, everyone in this world has one or another abnormality in their behavior. They are unaware of it. They are under the false pretext that they are absolutely normal . Anxiety, anger fear and emotions affect behavior of one and all at one time or other during their life span. Behavior cannot be left alone. It is a longtime process. Behavior of one person may affect another person. Everybody must always try to improve their behavior and help others also to improve their behavior. As one grows older their behavior must improvise or mature in accordance with their age. Unless one understands what is misbehavior they would not understand what is behavior fully well. Study of behavior is definitely incomplete without understanding what is misbehavior . Of course, one need not behave badly and experience what is misbehavior in this regard.