Finding fault in others

It's mother who doesn't find fault with her children even if they blunder. Whatever they do she pardons. No one can mend a child better than a mom at anytime. What a great creation of God the character of mother is. It's well said "To err is human to forgive is divine " There are only a few human beings with whom God doesn't find fault with. God not only finds fault with human beings but also punishes them.

It doesn't matter if one doesn't shower praise, if one finds fault ,it angers anybody. Only a few like criticism in this world. Fault finding leads to perfection is wrong perception.Perfection is a rare phenomenon. Everyone in this universe has one or another shortcoming. Yet, people try to find fault in one another. Finding fault in others is one of the qualities that many human beings have. In fact, some don't get sound sleep if they don't find fault with someone at all.It isn't a good quality at all.It's often defined as petty.Some people call it a disease.It curbs enthusiasm.It discourages one. It's criticism .It more than good often does more bad.Unlike in autocracy, in democracy fault finding is liberally permitted and it takes place in it a lot also. It's easy to find fault in others.Fault finders will find faults even in paradise.No talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character are required to set up in the fault-finding business. A few fault finders only come out with facts . What majority of fault finders state is either exaggeration or false . Those who don't find fault in others are really virtuous.

It's true only after chiseling and chiseling a sculpture attains perfection. But, fault finding isn't so. It's not progressive. It's regressive.One shouldn't try to find fault in others . Finding fault in others for no reason is sinister.Those who find fault in others wrongly has to feel sorry later on without fail . Even when parents resort to fault finding in their children, in fact, many times children lose confidence in themselves. In a man doing good all along if people find fault he would be dissuaded from doing any good further . It's better to set one on right path than finding fault in them. In fault finding one concentrates over the flaws and imperfections rather than find value .If there are faults or shortcomings in anyone , they appear at one time or other.Even when they are noticed conveying of them must be always tactful and artful.

Man wouldn't be fully aware which quality is more which quality is less in him.Not fault finding but a real analysis helps him.What a man always need is a guide or a well wisher.It's resolve of many that they shouldn't give scope to others to find fault with them. Majority of people don't commit a fault either deliberately or intentionally.Fault finders don't require fault to find with . Fault finding in case of quarrels, fights and wars is only for namesake. They find fault where there's no fault even. It is they who find stones in curds. They try to find fault where there's perfection too.They find fault even with God. They don't see anywhere good at all. They are always alert and use lenses everywhere. One who always tries to find fault with others comes across everywhere faults only and won't come across either right solution or anything good .Faults are not in anyone but in the eyes that see.

Nobody likes anyone finding fault with their words or deeds. Only fault finder may like fault finding. Wherever there's fault finding participation would be less. Fault finding raises one's temper.It may make one lose confidence. Some have more of this quality of finding fault and some have less of it. Fault finders could rarely maintain good relationship with others.One must be very careful while maintaining friendship with those who find fault with.Finding fault is often an excuse to deny something or other.

Fault finders comment a lot. A few of them are only perfect. Majority of them are full of faults in themselves.Fault finding is a negative attitude. It's contagious and dangerous .It's hard to bear it. It hurts almost everyone.Some people are under the impression that finding fault in others proves that they are more intelligent than others. Some say that fault finders want to raise themselves by bringing others down.There are definitely a variety of reasons behind this quality developing in one. Some find faults in others to make fun of them.Fault finding in others could be a mental illness or a disability also. Usually, those who are leisurely and who don't have better work do fault finding in others. In fact,they have no time to correct their own faults. All those who find fault in others are not bad.

After putting heart and soul instead of kudos if one comes across fault finding their mood goes off rails. Who finds fault is always very important. If a well wisher finds fault it would be genuine and there would be some substance in it. One can note it for correction. If an independent person finds fault also one has to go through it. Only when one from rival camp finds fault much weight age needn't be given.

Bosses often find fault with subordinates. Mother in laws find fault with daughter in laws and daughter in laws find fault with mother in laws. Similarly,husbands find fault with wives and wives find fault with husbands.There are people who try to conceal their inefficiency by finding fault with others. Finding fault with one another is common in this world. It's in fact a habit of some people. They get pleasure by always finding fault with others.

In some way fault finding is good and in some way bad. Honest Feedback Doesn't Hurt.It helps others to correct themselves. Unless other points out faults how one would know their faults.Fault finding doesn't allow one to be complacent. It makes one cautious too. If there were no fault finders, there's every chance of one acting according to whims and fancies. Faults are to be found out, evaluated and wherever necessary punished too for the smooth running of world.Many times It 's quite necessary to find faults in a system to make it work well .A show goes on well if fault is found in time.An accident doesn't take place if fault is found in time.Though fault finding isn't totally desirable ,it mustn't be totally absent also.

Fault finding seldom pleases anyone other than one who finds fault.Wherever one find faults with another there no cordial or amicable atmosphere prevails. Finding fault in others mustn't be either intentional or deliberate . Instead of finding fault one must try to appreciate the good work. Even if one comes across any fault they must assist to set it right . Finding fault spoils relationship. Most of the divorces that take place these days are due to fault finding by couples. Simply finding fault is no good.It must be always supported by valid reasons . It is better if fault finding is done when called for and it's a really a tough job at that time. It in fact needs expertise.

It can be concluded that undue importance should never be given to fault finding. Only wherever fault finding deserves some attention , it must be paid to fault finding. In other cases, it's better it is ignored.It's impossible to please everyone in this world. Fault finding would continue as long as the world is there.Those who find fault in others are found at times to be better than those who flatter others for no reason. Flatterers are unbelievable by and large.