Man and Achievements.

What is this life? This question confronts every man and the man realizes that life isn't for mere living, it's useless unless something isn't achieved in it . That's the reason everyone wants to achieve something in their life.Everyone thinks that otherwise,life won't be fruitful at all .That's why everyone has one or another goal in their life.It's for self satisfaction also. It's ambition of some too.Achievements are dreams of individuals.Many don't get proper sleep until they achieve what they had decided to achieve. Why one is appreciated &remembered is for their achievements in life . While going to achieve something one ends up with doing something else in life also.

However, in achievements also man is concerned more about fame, name & benefits to himself than about benefits to others. Selfishness plays it's part even in achievements.

What one achieved isn't merely important but under what circumstances that has been achieved is equally important too. Further, more than what is achieved how it's achieved is always more important in life. Means one adopts to achieve is also very important. What's achieved through fair means won't last many times.Then, how one can expect that which is achieved through unfair means would last.While achieving something man many times man doesn't think whether he is adopting good or bad means at all. Achievements make man blind before and after too. Some lay down their life while achieving something. It's the case with many great people.

Achievements do not come forth overnight.Though all struggle to achieve something, all do not achieve. Some succeed and some fail. William Jennings Bryan says "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

Achievements are possible in life only if life is favorable. Only if hurdles are less and opportunities are more. Only if strengths are more and weakness are less. In other words, achievements are impossible without His blessings and individual efforts at all. They always last longer than man .Achievements of human beings aren't alike. Life is mountaineering. It's scaling one peak after another and trying to reach the zenith.

Achievements aren't the same. There are various types of achievements. They differ from man to man. That which is hard to achieve to one man is easy to achieve to another man. Shakespeare says "Some are born great .Some achieve greatness. Some achieve greatness thrust upon them"No achievement is an easy one. Every achievement is a long process. Without sacrifice, stress and strain no achievement comes forth. To achieve something one has to forego something. It's believed if one does not achieve anything , they are a nonentity. Achievements instill confidence in a man.It's they make man contented too.

What you have achieved in life? Nobody puts this question.It arises on its own most often to a man especially during the fag end of life or when he compares his life with the life of another man.At what juncture of life,man would be bothered about achievement it couldn't be said at all. Of course, some people breathe their last without facing this question also.

What you have achieved in life is an introspection or interrogation .It's an exercise. In fact, it is a question that frustrates many too. Answer to it isn't the same to everyone. Everyone responds to it according to their mindset.

The thought "I have failed to achieve anything in my life" leads one to mental depression. Some feel it's enough if they do their duty and leave the results to God. Some feel that they haven't achieved anything.Some without achieving anything think that they have achieved many things. Some feel that their achievements are negligible. Some compare their achievement with that of others. Some are of opinion that education and knowledge that they have acquired is their achievement. Some are of the view wealth amassed is their achievement . Some are contented with whatever they have achieved in their career.They feel retirement without any blemish is an achievement.

What's achievement? It's difficult to explain It's differs from person to person as each one of us has a different idea of what achievement is. And each of us has a different idea of what it is to achieve something.

In fact ,the question "What you have achieved in life " prompts one to do something good . Being loved and respected by everyone is really a great achievement in life. Anything achieved by hook or crook in life is no achievement at all.All cannot win a race, Everybody can't achieve everything in life. No matter if one doesn't achieve anything in life ,one shouldn't do anything that harm others. Sincere efforts are as good as an achievement.