Come what may, be ambitious.

Life is swimming an ocean without knowing swimming. It is peril teaching the way. It is learning and learning. One who is fearless ,determined , calm and who never stops swimming only reaches shore. Come what may, be ambitious. A man is nothing but his ambitions. It's said one's ambition wouldn't leave them even if they are burnt.

Other than saints & a few others who have renounced everything who doesn't have ambition? One of the queries of parents to their kids would be "What they would like to become".Nobody wants to remain a nonentity. Nobody wants to remain as they are. Without certain ambitions a life is no life at all. Certain ambitions are quite essentials to a life. Everyone wants to prosper in their life.There's no wrong in it. All living creatures on earth whether they are man or animal feel hungry but aren't equally hungry. Similarly all human beings whether young, old, rich or poor on the earth are ambitious but aren't equally ambitious. An ambition is important in life. The world wouldn't have been so busy if people weren't ambitious at all. Even among life's turmoil ambition seldom gets eliminated but survives and prevails.

Besides, other requisites, success of a life hangs on what ambition one would have & success of it too. Where ambitions would lead one it couldn't be said. It could lead one either to the top of a hill or it could lead one to bottom of it. Everyone has ambition. Some share what's their ambition and some don't share what's their ambition.It is not enough if one is ambitious only, one must possess other qualities too. Our prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi would have remained a tea vendor only had he not been ambitious and capable. Some ambitions are worthy of hankering upon and some are not worthy of hankering upon .The ambition that one would have should be within their reach. It shouldn't be either more or less.

A man without any ambition is a boat without the sails. It can drift in any direction and at the end of the day may find life a fruitless and frustrated nothingness.What is ambition? It is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame,or wealth, & the willingness to strive for its attainment: Elders say "Aim at sky you will be at least somewhere" They also say "Have ambitions but don't have too many." Further,they advise ambitious "Keep your eyes on the stars and feet on the ground."

Ambition is a characteristic of human nature. It's enthusiasm with a purpose. It's different to different persons. Some want to be doctors,some want to be engineers & some want to be leaders. The list of ambitions is endless . Ambition depends upon individual & their surroundings. Nature of ambition varies from person to person. Mark Twain says "Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great, make you feel that you too can become great" Ambition is always a driving force both for individuals and society.It's basically an instinct. One with ambition can only become a boss.One of the most inspiring lines in cinema history is “My ambition far exceeds my talents "

There are so many talks about ambition. Some say one should have ambition and some say one shouldn't have ambition. Everything has it's good and bad sides and they have their pluses and minuses.So ambition too has it's good & bad sides and they have their pluses & minuses It's easy to have ambitions but difficult to achieve them.They can't be achieved overnight.They come across many hurdles to overcome. They are to be pursued day and night. What are required to achieve them it couldn't be said at all. Opportunities are quite essential to achieve them. One needs planning to fulfill their ambitions too.Some ambitions materialize early and some take time to materialize or do not materialize at all. Life of an ambitious man undergoes more changes than that of others.An ambitious man always hopes for the best & often thinks positive. Ambition is one's prestige. It makes one blind also.

An ambitious man always bubbles with activities and catches any eye. He is confident and optimistic too. A lethargic man & an ambitious man are two quite diametrically opposite personalities. An ambitious man dreams . Ambition never allows him to keep quiet at all. It makes him restless.He seldom remains calm. His mind is always occupied. Ambitions make round & round in it. Rest not until the goal is reached would be his resolve It is ambitious people who primarily contribute to success stories. They create history also.

Every ambition is an experience. It's full of lessons. It's a force within. It motivates a man. Man struggles & struggles to fulfill his ambitions. He leaves no stones unturned. He succeeds only if His blessings are there besides his efforts. Sometimes only he is successful & sometimes disappointment awaits him. Man becomes desperate when he fails to achieve his ambitions. Man must be undeterred by ups & downs. All isn't achievable by a man. Man has his own limits. Life is unpredictable.One would be really very fortunate if they could fulfill their ambitions .Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast that however high one reaches they are never satisfied.